
CMS Translation


Questa pagina costituisce soltanto una copia della start page del nostro server. Il server è online solo se necessario per i corsi, e si può raggiungere all'indirizzo I links contrassegnati con (CMS_Server) funzionano solo con il server attivo.

Open Source CMS-Platform for Website-Translation

all'Instituto di Traduttologia
presso l'Università di Innsbruck

The project was sponsored by the e-learning framework of the University of Innsbruck (10/2010 to 12/2010), it provides the Master module Website Translation with an appropriate infrastructure and allows students to work with the most commonly used free content management systems and their translation estensions.

The translation process with database driven CMS may be done either online or offline. Online means that the translator works in the system itself and that he must have the necessary access rights to create new language versions, to adapt contents as well as to create multilingual navigation, etc. This, however, requires that the CMS has a multilingual functionality. Offline means that the translator does not come into contact with the actual CMS and that the translatable texts will be exported from the system in standard formats. This way the usual workflow for the translator does not change: translators may use the translation tools they use for other work as well. The CMS, however, must possess appropriate export and import routines that make it possible to export the translatable parts of the website into a format that can be edited by the translator (usually XML or XLIFF).

For review and description of the potential translation workflows we have installed a Linux server (which is online only at teaching hours within the network of the University of Innsbruck: all links tagged with [CMS server]) work only with the server online) and a (CMS server) model for a typical company web site which first was translated to a (CMS server) multilingual web site and then realized as a multilingual project in each CMS system (see left). Currently we have installed the free CMS platforms listed on the left.

For the present project, we assume a professional translation environment, constituted mainly by the free translation memory system OmegaT and a list of other free translation tools (USBTrans and tuxtrans). The model web site was translated with the help of these tools in the two languages, English and Italian, the corresponding translation memory files ((CMS server) DE-EN and (CMS server) DE-IT in TMX format) were created as well as a brief list of terms as a text file ((CMS server) DE-EN and (CMS server) DE-IT).

This way the project attempts to describe possible translation scenarios in each of the installed CM systems using the created linguistic resources (TMX files and lists of terminology).