- À tradire. Didactique de la traduction pragmatique et de la communication technique
aims to publish a wide variety of contributions and in particular, academic articles dealing with the didactics of pragmatic translation and technical communication. This general remit covers technical writing, translation, interpreting, revising, quality control, localisation, post-editing, language project management, web editing, proofreading, language engineering, transcreation, and other language services, without limitation. The journal is open to any contributions relating to the education and training of language service professionals in the widest sense.
- AALITRA Review - online journal by the Australian Association for Literary Translation
The Australian Association for Literary Translation has its own peer-reviewed online journal, launched in March 2010
- Acta Scientiarum. Language and Culture
Acta Scientiarum. Language and Culture é uma revista da Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM dedicada às áreas de Letras e Linguística, publicada na modalidade publicação contínua e catalogada sob ISSN 1983-4675 (impresso) e ISSN 1983-4683 (on-line).
- Al-Kīmiyā Revue
Al-Kīmiyā est une revue à comité de lecture, publiée par la Faculté de langues et de traduction (FdLT) de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (USJ). Fondée en 2001-2002, Al-Kīmiyā publie principalement les recherches en traduction, en interprétation et en langues : traductologie, terminologie, histoire de la traduction, communication interculturelle, enseignement de la traduction, enseignement des langues et sciences du langage. C’est une revue biannuelle plurilingue recevant des articles originaux en français, en arabe, en anglais, en espagnol, en italien et en allemand. Toutes les contributions sont soumises à un processus d’évaluation par les pairs en double aveugle.
- Atelier de traduction
Revue semestrielle de théorie et analyse de la traduction.
- Bridge: Trends and Traditions in Translation and Interpreting Studies,
A double-blind peer-reviewed, open access, international online journal, published bi-annually by the Department of Translation Studies, Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia. The journal seeks original, previously unpublished papers in translation and interpreting studies that bring together scholarship from diverse regions, traditions and contexts. Bridge encourages authors to challenge the boundaries between theory and practice and old and new approaches in research and training as well as to critically address regional and global social, political and economic issues from a translational point of view.
- Cadernos de Literatura em Tradução
O objetivo principal da Cadernos é publicar literatura em tradução de e para o português, especialmente poesia e ficção curta, acompanhadas ou não de comentários. Incluem-se entre os materiais a serem publicados entrevistas com tradutores e resenhas de traduções publicadas. Excepcionalmente, trabalhos em outras línguas, tais como inglês, espanhol e francês serão aceitos.
- Cadernos de Tradução
O periódico Cadernos de Tradução apresenta em seu conteúdo: artigos inéditos, artigos traduzidos relacionados à área, resenhas de livros relativos à tradução (análise, teoria, história), resenhas de obras traduzidas e entrevistas com tradutores, professores e autoridades da área dos Estudos da Tradução e áreas afins.
- Chronotopos
Doing Translation History is booming. In recent years, various academic fields, such as Translation Studies, Literary Studies, History of Knowledge Research, or Transfer Studies, have, to an ever-increasing extent, taken on translation phenomena from an historical angle. This has, in fact, led to a vast and growing archive of individual and heterogeneous ‘cases’. The sheer amount of rapidly accumulated data could also cause researchers to lose sight of the ‘big picture’. Translation history has a lot to offer: a wide range of un-researched, “raw” material and the promise of providing new insights into transfer processes, history of science, literature and language, history itself and many more disciplines because it brings new perspectives, transcultural approaches to the table. But the study of translation histories lacks systematic approaches, critically reviewed methods and common (TS-based) perspectives. The journal’s name Chronotopos represents its program in various ways: the historicity of translatorial events shall be discussed – meaning their relationship with time and space. Furthermore, this discussion needs to be related to historiography, that is the narrative of translatorial events. Chronotopos is a platform to exchange and share data (“maps and timelines”) and presents case studies of translation events, as well as discusses and reflects how to write translation history.
- CIRIN Bullettin on conference interpreting research
CIRIN, an international information network on research into conference interpreting. The network was set up in Paris in 1990. Its purpose was to facilitate the circulation of CIR information in a situation where such research was being carried out by individuals and very small groups worldwide with little contact between them. The main information vector of CIRIN is the Bulletin, which is published twice a year, in January and July. During the first years of its existence, it was produced on paper, and National Nodes distributed it locally. It is now fully electronic, and the role of Node has become mainly symbolic.
- CLINA: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Communication
- Convergences francophones - Revue francophone pluridisciplinaire
Pluridisciplinaire et axée sur un champ de recherche francophone, la revue s’attache plus particulièrement aux domaines de la littérature, de l’histoire culturelle, de la traduction et des études de communication.
- Critical Multilingualism Studies
The Journal of Critical Multilingualism Studies is a peer-reviewed, transdisciplinary journal of scholarship on multilingualism, monolingualism, and their related social, cultural, historical, and literary/medial phenomena.
- Cultus: the Journal of intercultural mediation and communication
International refereed journal focussing on the role of culture in constructing, perceiving and translating reality. The Journal aims to develop an awareness of the interplay between language and culture in communication. The goal of this Journal is to promote research, education and training in communication by investigating language, languages, cultural models, conflict, mediation and interculturality. Furthermore, since translation is considered as mediation between cultures it will be included as a way of seeing cultural linguistics at work. Cultus Journal uses a system of double-blind peer review for all papers. The reviewers will first be chosen from the international editorial board and then, according to subject interest, to other experts in the field outside the board. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
- Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E (CTTL E)
Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E (CTTL E) is a double-blind refereed open access journal that explores a variety of issues related to translation teaching and learning. We seek qualitative and quantitative research articles that are relevant to this subject.
- Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America
Dictionaries: The Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles on all aspects of lexicography, as well as from areas of linguistic inquiry that relate to lexicography, and from the study of reference works in general as they bear on dictionary-making. The journal’s regular special sections include “Reference Works in Progress” and “Working Knowledge,” which report on and excerpt current lexicographical projects. A substantial portion of each year’s journal is devoted to reviews of recently published lexicons and lexicography websites, as well as to reviews of critical and historical studies of lexicography, and occasionally of biographies and popular literature related to dictionary-making, etymology, and similar topics.
- Doletiana: revista de traducció, literatura i arts
Doletiana: revista de traducció, literatura i arts va ser creada l'any 2007 pels membres fundadors del Grup Étienne Dolet i que compta amb un comitè científic internacional. Concebuda amb un esperit multicultural i transdisciplinari, aquesta revista és un instrument privilegiat per a la difusió de produccions teòriques o creatives singulars. Doletiana constitueix una plataforma oberta al debat i a la transmissió d'investigacions vinculades amb la traducció, l'escriptura i les teoritzacions afins, des d'una perspectiva plural.
- Dragoman: Journal of Translation Studies"
an international annual open-access online journal published by Arabic Translators International, ATI (www.atinternational.org), which is an international association established according to the Belgian Law, and Garant Publishers. Dragoman is indexed by Scopus and Arcif, and publishes original articles in the fields of Translation Studies (practical & applied), Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Terminology Studies and Cultural Studies. Translations from and into Arabic of works of importance are also welcome and encouraged. All articles are peer-reviewed.
- L’Écran traduit
revue sur la traduction et l’adaptation audiovisuelles
- Egyptian Journal of Linguistics and Translation (EJLT)
The Egyptian Journal of Linguistics and Translation (EJLT) is an international, interdisciplinary, biannual journal whose major aim is to publish high quality articles and reviews in the fields of linguistics and translation. It focuses on theory, development of appropriate methodologies, theory formation, practical analyses of language in various contexts and the multiple issues involved in translation and interpreting.
- ENTRECULTURAS - Revista de Traducción y Comunicación Intercultural
Es una revista que nace en el seno del Grupo Interuniversitario de Traducción, Comunicación y Lingüística Aplicada (HUM 767) con la voluntad de contribuir a la difusión de la producción traductológica en lengua española a escala internacional. En principio, para esta primera etapa, hemos adoptado una serie de decisiones sobre el contenido de la revista y su línea editorial, que pasamos a exponer a continuación.
- Estudios de traducción
Estudios de Traducción (ISSN 2174-047X, ISSN-e 2254-1756) es una revista de periodicidad anual editada por el Instituto Universitario de Lenguas Modernas y Traductores de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Recoge en sus páginas artículos sobre los diferentes aspectos que abarca el campo de la traducción, así como reseñas de estudios sobre el tema y de obras literarias traducidas al español. Está dirigida a estudiantes, profesores e investigadores, y también a todos aquellos interesados en este amplio ámbito de investigación.
- FITISPos-International Journal (FITISPos-IJ) on public services translation and interpreting
FITISPos-International Journal (FITISPos-IJ) is a multilingual and free access online journal hosted by FITISPos-UAH Research Group: Training and research in public services translation and interpreting (Grupo de investigación FITISPos: Formación e Investigación en Traducción e Interpretación en los Servicios Públicos in Spanish) at the University of Alcalá (Spain). The purpose of this journal is to publish and internationally disseminate high quality and original scientific papers on related research and teaching especially, though not exclusively, to Translation and Interpreting (T&I), Public Service Interpreting and Translation (PSIT) and Intercultural Communication.
- Forma y Función
La revista Forma y Función, del Departamento de Lingüística de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, anuncia la apertura de la convocatoria para la recepción de artículos a ser publicados a partir de 2019. Se invita a los interesados a enviar sus textos para evaluación al siguiente correo: fyf_fchbog@unal.edu.co
- Hermeneus
Hermēneus is an annual publication of the Department of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Valladolid (Soria Campus). It is dedicated to the publication of original articles, book reviews and other related activities dealing with research in translation and interpreting and other similar linguistic, documentational and literary areas of the humanities. Submitted articles should conform to the formal structure and methodology inherent to the subject.
- Hermes
HERMES - Journal of Language and Communication in Business is a free online peer-reviewed international journal published by the School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University, Denmark. HERMES is published twice a year. Since its beginning in 1988, the journal has established itself internationally as an important vehicle for publication of research articles across a broad spectrum of language and communication oriented projects, studies and activities. The main purpose of the journal is to disseminate new research produced in the broad field of language and communication in businessJournal of Language and Communication in Business
- Hieronymus Journal of Translation Studies and Terminology
Welcome to Hieronymus, the first Croatian journal dedicated exclusively to publishing research and professional articles in the field of translation studies and terminology. The journal has the following key goals: To promote translation studies and terminology in Croatia and its neighbouring countries, where these two disciplines are not always recognized; and To enhance local researchers’ visibility in the international translation studies community. Hieronymus also aims, indirectly, to narrow the gap between translation theory and professional practice in Croatia and the region; and improve the translators’ status by raising public awareness of issues related to translation as a profession. As of Issue 3(2016), the journal is peer-reviewed. The journal is published annually. ISSN 1849-5257
- Hieronymus Complutensis
Hieronymus Complutensis (ISSN 1135-304 X) es la revista del Instituto Universitario de Lenguas Modernas y Traductores (IULMYT) de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Desde 1995, como corresponde a la primera institución en España que se ocupó de la formación de profesionales en el campo de la traducción, ha venido siendo referencia esencial en los estudios sobre esta materia en el ámbito hispanohablante.
- Hikma - Revista de estudios de traducción
HIKMA: Estudios de Traducción recibe contribuciones en todas las áreas de investigación relacionadas con el ámbito de Traducción e Interpretación incluyendo estudios de traducción e interpretación, traducción literaria, traducción especializada, lenguajes de especialidad, documentación aplicada a la traducción y a la interpretación, lingüística aplicada, didáctica de la traducción y la interpretación, lingüística de corpus, localización, terminología, etc.
- Honyaku - Invitation to Interpretation & Translation Studies
通訳翻訳研究への招待』は日本通訳翻訳学会(JAITS)が年2回発行するWeb Journalです。
すでにお知らせした通り、『翻訳研究への招待』は本号(16号)より『通訳翻訳研究への招待』と改題し、翻訳研究に加えて通訳研究の論考も収録することになりました。同時に紙面の体裁も若干改めました。今後も内容と体裁をWeb Journalに相応しいものに修正していきたいと思います。
- Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura
Íkala, revista de lenguaje y cultura is an academic publication which aims to publicize articles that report on academic, professional, research and teaching activities in disciplines related to language and culture: translation, mother tongue and foreign language teaching and learning, culture, linguistics and literature. Íkala seeks to offer a forum of high level academic debate where the results of theorizing, research and application of knowledge in languages and cultures come together, thus enriching the professional and investigative practice of those who form part of this academic community.
- INContext
A unique international and interdisciplinary journal that encourages innovative research in language-related subjects, including but not limited to technical or literary translation and conference interpretation as well as intercultural issues. As a collaborative journal bringing together the Korean Association for Public Sector Translation and Interpretation (KAPTI), the Language and Intercultural Studies Institute (LISI), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), it encourages international and inter-continental collaboration in research related to Translation Studies and Interculturalism, including innovative research methodology, meta-theoretical reviews of theoretical formulations, exploration of cutting-edge approaches, and macro-level inquiry into cultural assumptions.
- International Journal of Comparative Literature & Translation Studies
International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies publishes articles in the areas of literature, cultural studies, critical theory, cultural and literary relations within and beyond the Western tradition, and descriptive translation studies. IJCLTS welcomes the work of critics, scholars, theorists, and literary historians from around the world. IJCLTS paves the way for global interaction and offers an excellent opportunity to undergo socio-cultural survey of various literatures. Also, Translation Studies can very safely be included as a significant genre in the domain of literary criticism since translation is an art prompting to look into the diversified lingual, cultural and literary content of a source language,and thus highlighting the essence of the literature of that particular translated language.
- International Journal of Language & Law (JLL)
Language & Law is a platinum open access scholarly e-journal which offers a forum for research on the interdependence of language and law in all of its facets, from theoretical approaches to practical problems. Submissions are double-blindly peer-reviewed, and published entirely free of charge to authors and readers under a CC-BY license. It is edited by Prof. Dr. Friedemann Vogel and Dr. Dr. Hanjo Hamann.
- IntraLinea
inTRAlinea is the online translation journal of the Department of Interpreting and Translation (DIT) of the University of Bologna, Italy. The purpose of our journal is to publish high quality academic research on any translation-related subject, as well as reviews, debates and translations. We are an online journal only. All our content is open-access to allow maximum distribution and can be freely cited, downloaded, and distributed in line with our Creative Commons License.
- Journal for Translation Studies in Africa JTSA
JTSA promotes the scholarly study of translational phenomena in the widest sense of the word, including intralingual, interlingual and intersemiotic translation, and values interpreting and translation equally. It welcomes interdisciplinary research, including but not limited to interpreting studies, multimodality and multimedia studies, development studies, media studies, cultural studies, political science, sociology and history. Contributions can be theoretical, empirical or applied. The journal is looking for cutting-edge research while keeping open a section for developing scholars, namely the ‘Future voices’ section. The Review Section focuses on introducing books with a focus or relevance to the journal’s African agenda. An ‘Agenda’ section will focus on opinion pieces concerning aspects of translation studies as it pertains to the African content.
- Journal of Intercultural Communication
The world today is characterized by an ever growing number of contacts resulting in communication between people with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. This communication takes place because of contacts within the areas of business, military cooperation, science, education, massmedia, entertainment, tourism but also because of immigration brought about by labor shortage or political conflicts. In all these contacts, there is communication which needs to be as constructive as possible, without misunderstandings and breakdowns. It is our belief that research on the nature of linguistic and cultural similarities and differences here can play a positive and constructive role. The goal of the journal is to promote research but also education and training in the area of intercultural communication. The journal is an outgrowth of the activities of NIC – the Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication. The great interest shown in the activities of NIC have pointed to a need for more journals employing a peer review procedure within the area of intercultural communication. By starting this journal, we hope to encourage more research and to facilitate contacts between interested researchers as well as to provide better possibilities for reviewed publication.
- Journal of Audiovisual Translation (JAT)
the first international journal dedicated to audiovisual translation studies. Published by European Association for Studies in Screen Translation (ESIST), JAT aims to be the reference point for high-quality, innovative and in-depth research in all avenues of audiovisual translation studies. From historical perspectives to technology-based studies, from media accessibility in all its forms to linguistic, culture-oriented, psychology-based research, JAT aims to select contributions that will enrich the field and have an impact on both practice and research.
- Jostrans - Journal of Specialised Translation
In today's academic and professional environment, the growth of specialised translation has resulted in the development of a significant area in Translation Studies. JoSTrans aims to create a forum for translators and researchers in specialised translation, to disseminate information, exchange ideas and to provide a dedicated publication outlet for research in specialised, non-literary translation.
- Journal of Translation
The Journal of Translation is an academic journal of translation theory and practice with a special interest in Bible translation and in translation involving minority languages and cultures. Its purpose is to encourage scholarship, to enlighten the reader, to stimulate thought and discussion, and to promote appropriate cross-cultural and cross-linguistic communication.
- Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Translation Studies
The Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Translation Studies published by Sheikhbahaee University is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes original articles in the areas of teaching and learning English as a foreign/second language and translation studies. It is particularly keen to help make connections between fields, theories, research methods, and scholarly discourses . All the received manuscripts, before sending for the reviewing process, will be checked by plagiarism software
- La Linterna del Traductor
La Linterna del Traductor, la revista multilingüe de Asetrad, es una publicación producida por y para profesionales del sector lingüístico. Es el vehículo a través del cual la asociación difunde información de interés no solo para sus socios, sino para todos los traductores, correctores e intérpretes que cuentan el castellano entre sus idiomas de trabajo. Aunque en la actualidad está plenamente integrada dentro de las actividades de la Asociación Española de Traductores, Correctores e Intérpretes, la revista antecedió a la constitución de esta. Así, entre marzo de 2002 y agosto de 2004, se editaron nueve números bajo la acertada batuta de Alberto Ballestero, nombrado socio de honor de Asetrad en ese último año.
- Lingua Legis
Lingua Legis is a scholarly open access peer-reviewed journal devoted to legal and specialised translation published yearly (online and in print) by the Institute of Applied Linguistics of the University of Warsaw since 2015 (in 1994-2014 it was issued under the auspices of the Polish Society of Sworn and Specialised Translators TEPIS).
- Linguistica Antverpiensia
Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies (LANS – TTS) is an annual, peer-reviewed, open-access publication devoted to the study of translation and interpreting that is indexed in the Web of Science. The journal is not bound to any particular school of thought or academic group. Translation is understood to be a dynamic form of communication which has strong roots in the society and culture that produce it and is conceived as an integral part of the production and reproduction of culture in the broadest sense. Each issue of Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies centres on a specific topic, in order to reflect the diversity of what is considered to be translation today, and offers an open forum for a wide range of approaches of a theoretical, methodological or descriptive nature.
- LSP Journal - Language for special purposes, professional communication, knowledge management and cognition
The LSP Journal - Language for special purposes, professional communication, knowledge management and cognition focuses on interlinking research across these areas. The areas of research are of vital importance to the development, exchange and acceptance of new ideas and products in scientific domains as well as in trade and public services at national and international levels. The scope of the LSP Journal is to give researchers a peer-reviewed international forum for exchanges of new insights into theoretical and practical approaches in the areas of research. Operational and innovative methods and practices of relevance to creation and distribution of knowledge in intra- and interlingual environments are primary focal points.
- mediAzioni
Benvenuti in mediAzioni, rivista online promossa dal Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione (ex Studi Interdisciplinari su Traduzione, Lingue e Culture) dell'Università di Bologna. mediAzioni è una rivista internazionale ad accesso libero e gratuito che si propone di promuovere gli studi interdisciplinari in ambito umanistico, a integrazione dell'altra rivista online del Dipartimento inTRAlinea, specificamente dedicata a studi sulla traduzione scritta e orale. Ci aspettiamo contributi collocati nelle seguenti aree disciplinari o in punti di intersezione tra loro: linguistica, terminologia, studi di genere, studi interculturali, letteratura, teatro, humor, media, film, storia, traduzione e interpretazione.
- MikaEL
An open access journal that publishes both peer-reviewed and non-peer reviewed articles within Translation and Interpreting Studies. The articles must be original (previously unpublished) and based on a presentation, poster or workshop given at the annual KäTu Symposium on Translation and Interpreting Studies. The peer review process is anonymous. MikaEL has been granted the official status of an academic publication channel (Level 1) in Finland and in Norway. The journal is also a foundational member of the Council of Editors of Translation and Interpreting Studies for Open Science.
- MonTI Monographs i Translation and Interpretation
MonTI es una revista académica con vocación internacional promovida por las universidades públicas valencianas con docencia en traducción e interpretación (Universidad de Alicante, Universidad Jaume I de Castellón y Universidad de Valencia). Nuestra revista pretende ante todo centrarse en el análisis en profundidad de los asuntos relacionados con nuestra interdisciplina a través de monográficos caracterizados por el rigor científico, el debate y la pluralidad.
- Mutatis Mutandis
Mutatis Mutandis es una revista digital arbitrada, indexada B en Publindex y A2 en el Sistema Integrado CAPES (Brasil), de frecuencia semestral, creada en el 2008, por el Grupo de Investigación en Traductología de la Universidad de Antioquia en Medellín, Colombia. Nos proponemos promover la circulación de diferentes formas del discurso traductor: críticas, apropiaciones teórico-conceptuales, historias y filosofías, traducciones e informaciones diversas sobre eventos de traducción. Así, construimos un espacio que busca reinventar e incentivar la discusión, la problematización y la cualificación sobre la traducción en Colombia y en Latinoamérica, en su relación con el mundo.
- New Voices in Translation Studies
New Voices in Translation Studies is a refereed electronic journal co-sponsored by IATIS and the Centre for Translation and Textual Studies (CTTS) at Dublin City University. The aim of the journal is to disseminate high quality original work by new researchers in Translation Studies to a wide audience. Articles are published in New Voices as soon as they are ready and are organized in annual issues, with occasional special editions.
- Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies
The Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies (OJCMT) is an international open access journal, rigorously peer-reviewed journal in the field of Communication and its related fields. OJCMT is interested in research not only on Theory and Practice of Communication and Media Studies but also new trends and developments, Communication in Education, Visual Communication and Design, Integrated Marketing Communication and Advertising. OJCMT is published four times a year in January, April, July and October. Each article is reviewed by two blind reviewers from an internationally recognized pool of reviewers.
Panace@, revista surgida a partir de la lista de debate MedTrad, es la publicación oficial de TREMÉDICA. Panace@ acepta textos originales sobre los diversos aspectos de la traducción y el lenguaje de la medicina y ciencias afines en español, aunque está abierta a colaboraciones en cualquier idioma. Los originales recibidos se envían a evaluadores externos expertos en la materia, que evalúan según el sistema de “doble ciego”, que busca preservar el anonimato tanto de los autores como de los evaluadores.
- Parallèles
Founded in 1978, Parallèles is a scholarly journal that publishes high-quality original research in translation and interpreting, as well as other forms of multilingual and multimodal communication. It is published by the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Parallèles is double-blind peer reviewed, open access and, since 2013, web-based only. The journal is published bi-annually – in April and October – and alternates between thematic and non-thematic issues. Special issue proposals are examined once a year. They should be submitted by October 1st, two and a half years prior to the expected publication date, via our online form. For non-thematic issues, submissions will be considered during a six-month window, from April to October, for publication in October of the following year. All articles accepted for publication are subject to comprehensive guidelines for reviewing, based on initial quality control by the Parallèles team, anonymous refereeing by at least two external experts, and consequent revision by authors as required.
- Przekładaniec A Journal of Translation Studies
Przekładaniec is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by the Faculty of Polish, Jagiellonian University which investigates translation as a literary genre, a craft and a form of intercultural communication. We publish papers in theoretical, descriptive and applied translation studies. Our contributors include scholars from a variety of disciplines: translation theory and history, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology of translation, literary criticism, comparative literature, history of literature, modern languages, classical studies, feminist studies, linguistics, Polish studies. Our themed issues encourage both theoretical reflection and exchanges between practitioners. Our “Varia” section features work from outside particular themes. Our “Reviews” section presents recent publications, especially books published in languages other than English. The official language of Przekładaniec is Polish; however, our journal is not restricted to Polish language and literature. Contributions in other languages are welcome. English versions of selected issues are available online.
- Quaderns : revista de traducció
Publica trabajos relacionados con la traducción y la interpretación, como artículos de reflexión teórica, investigaciones y propuestas didácticas, estudios sobre traductores y traducciones, textos de interés histórico, entrevistas o reflexiones con traductores, textos traducidos de especial relevancia o reseñas y comentarios bibliográficos. Quiere ser una plataforma desde la que los estudiosos ya reconocidos, pero también los jóvenes que inician sus primeras aportaciones, puedan exponer sus preocupaciones, los estudios y trabajos sobre la traducción en todo el mundo, con especial atención a los ámbitos de la Unión Europea, el Mediterráneo y la América Latina.
- Redit
La REVISTA ELECTRÓNICA DE DIDÁCTICA DE LA TRADUCCIÓN Y LA INTERPRETACIÓN -redit- aparece promovida por un grupo de profesores interesados en el desarrollo científico y la práctica profesional de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la traducción y la interpretación (TI). El objetivo de la revista es acoger diversos enfoques teóricos y propuestas de acción pedagógica aplicada a la TI así como enfoques de la enseñanza hacia la labor profesional y sus requerimientos. Pretendemos, pues, que sea una plataforma para el intercambio entre especialistas interesados en la reflexión sobre la enseñanza en los estudios de traducción e interpretación, especialmente en el nuevo contexto de la Sociedad de la Información que conlleva cambios profundos en los planteamientos pedagógicos, y cuyas oportunidades y limitaciones es importante estudiar.
- Revista de Llengua i Dret
La Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, fundada el 1983, de periodicitat semestral, publica estudis acadèmics sobre el llenguatge administratiu i jurídic, el dret lingüístic, la política lingüística i la sociolingüística. L'Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya n'és l'entitat editora.
- Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione = International Journal of Translation
Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzioneof the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, University of Trieste ( Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell’Interpretazione e della Traduzione ) is a refereed international journal published once a year. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum of discussion for the multifaceted activity of translation as well as related issues such as terminology and terminography, lexicology and lexicography, contrastive analysis, corpus linguistics, and intercultural communication. The journal is mainly focused - but not limited to – specialized, i.e. non-literary, translation and is open to different theoretical approaches including contributions from qualified professionals operating on the translation market.
- Scientia Traductionis
Scientia Traductionis é um periódico acadêmico digital vinculado à Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução (PGET) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). De publicação semestral, é dirigido aos estudiosos da tradução e da literatura traduzida - lato sensu -, a professores, alunos e tradutores. Criado inicialmente como veículo de divulgação de trabalhos discentes da PGET, Scientia Traductionis redirecionou-se, expandiu-se e refez sua linha editorial a partir de sua edição de nº 7. Scientia Traductionis lança nova edição no final de cada semestre. Os trabalhos podem ser enviados em fluxo contínuo, e, uma vez aceitos, são publicados na primeira ou na segunda edição de cada ano, conforme organização estabelecida pelo Conselho Editorial.
- Sendebar
Revista de la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Granada. Es una revista internacional de periodicidad anual, cuyo campo de cobertura incluye todas las disciplinas relacionadas con la traducción y la interpretación.
- SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation
a peer-reviewed open access journal without publication charges. It only publishes articles in English. It publishes original articles in all of the sub-disciplines of Translation Studies and topics of the articles may be empirical, theoretical, methodological or applied. Further information about the journal, all back issues, and a stylesheet for submissions can be found on the journal’s website.
- SKOPOS. Revista Internacional de Traducción e Interpretación Una revista de periodicidad anual que recoge aquellas contribuciones, fruto de la investigación, que versan sobre Traducción e Interpretación y todas las disciplinas afines a dicha materia, una vez que han obtenido el informe positivo siguiendo el sistema de Peer Review. Incluye, igualmente, reseñas bibliográficas y de trabajos de investigación.
- Stridon: Studies in Translation and Interpreting
Stridon: Studies in Translation and Interpreting is an international, peer-reviewed journal that advances research in translation- and interpreting-related phenomena. The name STRIDON pays homage to one of the greatest translators of the Western world, St. Jerome, who was born in Stridon, a lost town on the confines of Dalmatia and Pannonia, which lay most probably in today’s border-region between Croatia and Slovenia.
- Studia Translatorica
Within the centre of the academic reflections, undertaken in the published articles lie the issues of different forms of translating and interpreting, sight translations, audiovisual translations considered i.a. in the context of translatorical, linguistic, psycholinguistic and cognitive models. We also publish in our journ - Forum for Linguistic Studies (FLS) br>
an international, peer-reviewed journal. FLS aims at publishing the latest research results in general and applied linguistics as well as philosophy of language. The journal caters to a comprehensive audience, ranging from language researchers, linguists, teachers, educationalists, practitioners and those with a general interest in language and linguistics.
al the results of research conducted within the framework of experimental translatorics, which give an insight into the rules of interpersonal verbal communication taking place in different types of translation settings. Authors who scrutinize translation against the background of its communicative and intercultural conditions are also welcome. Likewise, within our field of interest lie articles in academic translation didactics and translation teaching. The aim of the journal Studia Translatatorica is to enable an exchange of international academic thought. Hence the possibility to publish not only papers written in Polish, but also in German, English, Italian, etc.
- T21N Translation in Transition
T21N offers a cutting-edge electronic publishing venue, created by experts for both young talent and established researchers from the worlds of translation and interpreting. T21N provides a stage for emerging ideas and new academic talent to present their ideas in a digital reading site, where speed and ease meet enjoyment. T21N is exclusively published online at http://www.t21n.com. Articles in compliance with our style sheet may be submitted at any time and will be published at short notice. T21N editors research and teach at the Institute of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Heidelberg in Germany.
- The Interpreter's Newsletter
The Interpreters’ Newsletter is a printed journal on Interpreting Studies. After publication all issues are placed on-line in an electronic format. The journal provides a readily accessible forum for an exchange of information on Interpreting Studies worldwide. This has been its aim since 1988 when it appeared as the first journal on Interpreting Studies. It publishes contributions that cover all theoretical and practical aspects of interpreting: conference interpreting (simultaneous and consecutive interpreting), dialogue interpreting (court interpreting, public service interpreting, liaison interpreting, sign language interpreting, etc.), including numerous methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches.
- Tradução em Revista - artigos em português, inglês, francês e espanhol relativos à teoria, à prática e à história da tradução e da interpretação
- TradTerm
TradTerm welcomes theoretical or ap - Forum for Linguistic Studies (FLS) br>
an international, peer-reviewed journal. FLS aims at publishing the latest research results in general and applied linguistics as well as philosophy of language. The journal caters to a comprehensive audience, ranging from language researchers, linguists, teachers, educationalists, practitioners and those with a general interest in language and linguistics.
plied studies from any area pertinent to translation and terminology, provided they are original contributions, in the form of articles (maximum 50,000 characters with spaces), reviews (maximum 10,000 characters with spaces), debates and others. At the discretion of the Editorial Board, articles already published but out of print may be submitted. The journal does not charge submission or publication fees. The articles will be judged by two ad hoc referees (peer review). In case of divergent evaluations, a third critical review will be made. With the blind review system, the names of the reviewers will remain confidential, and the authors' names will also be withheld.
- Tradumàtica : revista traducció i tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació
Revista Tradumàtica was first published in 2001 at the intersection of all those knowledge and practices related to translation technologies. This e-journal is called to become a virtual meeting point for expertise and knowledge in this field. Its purpose is to bring together both technical and scientific approaches, beyond commercial interests. It aims to filter information in order to provide a global view. The monographic orientation of our journal and the selection of the authors turn every new issue into the equivalent of a short and highly updated manual on an specific topic.
- Tradurre. Pratiche teorie strumenti
- TRANS. Revista de Traductología
TRANS. Revista de Traductología difunde trabajos científicos de diversa procedencia relacionados con las diferentes manifestaciones de la interpretación y traducción de lenguas, de la traducción audiovisual, de la traducción intersemiótica, del contacto entre culturas y de la retórica comparada.
- Transfer - Revista electrónica sobre estudios de traducción e interculturalidad
The Journal publishes essays on Translation and International Studies, book reviews on the same field, as well as translations, and news of interest to researchers and scholars in this field. It only accepts submissions of unpublished originals in Spanish and English (occasionally also in Catalan, Italian, French and Portuguese). It is conceived as a forum for scientific discussionand debate, and as an international platform for the dissemination of research on translation, literary reception, interculturality, cultural mediation and intercultural relations.
- trans-kom Zeitschrift für Translationswissenschaft und Fachkommunikation
trans-kom is an academic journal for translation and technical communication research published solely on the Internet. trans-kom publishes research findings and contributions to academic discourse on subjects concerning translation and interpreting, technical communication, language for special purposes, terminology, and related fields.
- TranscUlturAl: A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies
TranscUlturAl seeks to contribute to the dialogue between cultures and languages by publishing essays, translations and creative pieces that examine interrelationships between translations and cultures, past and present, in global and local contexts. This includes work that ventures beyond dominant geolinguistic and geocultural spaces, in particular those officially defined as either monolingual or bilingual. Please scroll down for announcements and the current issue or click on the appropriate buttons above.
- Traduction et Langues (TRANSLANG)
The journal Traduction et Langues TRANSLANG (Translation and Languages) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, bi-annual, and free of charge, open-access journal edited by University of Oran2. The journal publishes original research and survey articles in the fields of Applied Linguistics, Translation and Interpreting studies, Discourse Analysis, and Humanities from theoretical and practical perspectives. The journal aims at promoting international scholarly exchanges among researchers, academics, and practitioners to foster intercultural communication by providing insights into local and global languages and cultures.
- translatio, the FIT newsletter
- Translation and Multilingual Natural Language Processing
- Translation & Interpreting
a refereed international journal that seeks to create a cross-fertilization between research, training and professional practice. It aims to publish high quality, research-based, original articles, that highlight the applications of research results to the improvement of T&I training and practice. It welcomes contributions not only from well-known senior scholars, but also from early-career researchers in the field. Hosted by Western Sydney University, the Journal is universally accessible to researchers, educators, students and practitioners of interpreting and translation, as well as to others interested in the discipline. The Journal does not charge any access or publication fees. Published twice yearly. ISSN 1836-9324
- Translation - a transdisciplinary Journal
Translation is an international peer-reviewed journal, which from January 2012 is published twice a year. The journal—a collaborative initiative of the Nida School of Translation Studies—takes as its main mission the collection and representation of the ways in which translation as a fundamental element of culture transforms our contemporary world. Our ambition is to create a forum for the discussion of translation, offering an open space for debate and reflection on what we call post-translation studies, moving beyond disciplinary boundaries towards wider transdisciplinary discourses on the translational nature of societies which are increasingly hybrid, diasporic, border-crossing, intercultural, multilingual, and global.
- Translation Journal
Translation Journal is a digital online journal for translators, interpreters, and interested friends of the translation industry, written by translators, interpreters, and industry experts. (Guest writers welcomed!) A vast information clearinghouse and a platform to spotlight the talents and achievements of translators and interpreters.
- Translation and Multilingual Natural Language Processing TMNLP
The book series centres around human and machine translation, with a special emphasis on empirical studies. This includes computational, corpus linguistic and cognitive aspects of translation. By its nature, the topic of translation is interdisciplinary in the sense that it involves many of the classical linguistic sub-disciplines such as computational linguistics, corpus linguistics, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, text linguistics, lexicography, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, applied linguistics and others. However, all book submissions need to have a clear focus on the translation aspect, and a special emphasis is laid on empirical studies. The aim of the book series is to bring these different perspectives closer together by offering a forum for all different approaches to the empirical study of translation. The series welcomes in particular studies investigating corpus data and/or experimental findings, preferably in – but not limited to – a quantitative perspective
- Translation: Computation, Corpora, Cognition closed, archives 2011-2013
- Translation Matters
Translation matters! It matters because it occurs in some form or another – interlinguistically, intralinguistically, or intersemiotically – in every communicative event. It matters because it is a crucial part of the transmission of information across time and space, contributing to the construction of languages, knowledge and identity. It matters too because the debates that it launches about the nature of meaning, and the processes involved in its generation and transmission, are fundamental to all aspects of human culture. This journal explores all kinds of translation matters, ranging from the theoretical and descriptive to the practical and technical.
academic journal aimed at disseminating the latest developments in the field of Translation Studies and Translatology, P-ISSN 2065-3514, E-ISSN 2501-0778, edited by the Department of English, Faculty of Letters, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania, with the support of the Doctoral School of Socio-Humanities and the Research Centre Interface Research of the Original and Translated Text – Cognitive and Communicative Dimensions of the Message, invites proposals of original articles, related to the general theme of the journal
- Translation Today
a double blind peer-reviewed, indexed and refereed journal of the National Translation Mission (NTM). This journal, lovingly abbreviated as TT, is available in print (through subscription) and online (open access) formats. TT has been maintaining an extensive outreach and receiving an encouraging response from the readers and experts. It aims to enrich the ever-expanding field of Translation Studies by publishing articles, reports, interviews, squibs, book reviews and actual translations.
- Translatologia
Welcome to TRANSLATOLOGIA, the first Central European online journal dedicated exclusively to publishing research and professional articles in the field of translation studies, interpreting studies and terminology. TRANSLATOLOGIA is a double-blind peer-reviewed, web-based international scientific journal, from 2018 issued twice a year by the Department of Translation Studies, Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia. The journal is seeking original, previously unpublished papers covering selected areas of translation and interpreting, intercultural communication and terminology. ISSN 2453-9899
- Transletters. International Journal on Translation and Interpreting
Transletters. International Journal on Translation and Interpreting is a scientific journal specialised in translation and interpreting, as well as research fields related to both disciplines, such as translation studies, specialised languages, documentation, corpus linguistics, localisation and translation and interpreting teaching methods. Due to the international character of Transletters, all contributions (articles, notes, reviews, reports) must be written in English. The deadline for submitting papers for the second fascicle of the first issue ends on September, 2018. Authors will be sent notification of acceptance or rejection in a maximum of 30-days from the submission deadline.
- transLogos Translation Studies Journal
TransLogos Translation Studies Journal is an open access, blind peer-reviewed, international e-journal published by Diye Global Communications, which aims to contribute to the discipline of translation studies, focusing on the interdisciplinary nature of the field and providing a platform for scholars and researchers to discuss the changing trends and demands in the field of translation studies. TransLogos Translation Studies Journal covers a wide area ranging from Translation Theory, Translation Criticism, History of Translation and Translation Studies, Applied Translation to Linguistics, Literature, Machine Translation, Computer Technologies in Translation, Translator Training, Technical Writing, and meta issues in Translation Studies.
- transversal
- Tusaaji: A Translation Review
Tusaaji: A Translation Review is a space of collective inquiry into translation as the embodiment of larger questions of culture. We investigate translation at intersections across traditions, languages, and fields of knowledge and discourse. Our aim is to entertain a variety of voices in translation with a focus on the Americas. We understand translation as a complex process of negotiation of meanings, knowledges, and subjectivities. We believe that translation plays a key role in the relationships between subjects and communities and constitutes a site to understand the historicity of cultural contact in contemporary societies. We conceive of translation as a transdisciplinary field in flux within a larger critique about the boundaries among disciplines. Tusaaji is the online peer-reviewed journal of the Research Group on Translation and Transcultural Contact based in Toronto, at Glendon College (YorkUniversity). Given its hemispheric focus,Tusaaji invites contributions in the languages of the Americas,both Euro-American and indigenous.
- VASOS COMUNICANTES - la revista de ACE Traductores,
VASOS COMUNICANTES es la revista de ACE Traductores, y surge con la voluntad de ofrecer a los traductores literarios y de libros en general la posibilidad de reflexionar en público a propósito de su trabajo: una revista de los traductores y la traducción hecha por los traductores mismos.
- Vertimo studijos
Vertimo studijos (Eng. Studies in Translation) is an annual academic diamond open access journal that publishes articles covering a wide range of topics concerning translation and interpreting. The goal of the publication is to provide a forum for discussion for Lithuanian and foreign scholars on the theory and practice of translation, to introduce the latest findings in translation research to its readership, to encourage scholarly discussion and seek answers to questions raised in the fields of translation and interpreting. The submitted articles are peer-reviewed and discussed by the members of the Editorial Board.
- Viceversa
A revista Viceversa, dedicada a recoller traballos sobre a tradución en Galicia, comezou a publicarse no ano 1995 coa intención de encher un baleiro que existía nas nosas revistas científicas. Había pouco que se puxera en funcionamento a licenciatura de Tradución e Interpretación da Universidade de Vigo e a consolidación destes estudos era un feito evidente que demandaba unha publicación na que se puidese recoller, basicamente, a produción científica dos profesores dedicados ó ensino da tradución, a reflexión dos propios tradutores sobre o seu labor e unha serie de traballos que puidesen servir de axuda práctica ós estudantes de Tradución e Filoloxía Galega.
- Yearbook of Translational Hermeneutics
the journal is published by the research center Hermeneutik und Kreativität to bring translational scholarship and hermeneutics into conversation. Starting in 2021, the journal will be published on an annual basis. The research center is located at the Institute for Applied Linguistics and Translatology (IALT) at the University of Leipzig.
- 1611 Revista de la Historia de la Traducción
Occupying a unique position in the Hispanic world, 1611 is an online publication devoted to the history of translation of Spain and America. Its mission is to publish articles and documents on the different traditions which form a multicultural space that has grown out of a discordant, common history. All articles submitted will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Board. As a result of the review procedure, articles will be accepted, accepted subject to modifications, or rejected.
- CLAW : Communication and Language at Work – Bridging Theory and Practice
- Fibreculture Journal
The Fibreculture Journal is a peer reviewed international journal, first published in 2003 to explore issues and ideas within the Fibreculture network. The Journal now serves wider social formations across the international community. We work with those thinking critically about, and working with, contemporary digital and networked media. The Fibreculture Journal has an international Editorial Board and Committee. In 2009 the Journal became a part of the Open Humanities Press , a key initiative in the development of the Open Access journal community.
- First Monday
First Monday is one of the first openly accessible, peer–reviewed journals on the Internet, solely devoted to the Internet. Since its start in May 1996, First Monday has published 1,828 papers in 273 issues, written by 2,547 different authors. In addition, 26 special issues have appeared. The most recent special issue was entitled "Paper vs. screen reading.’" First Monday is indexed in Communication Abstracts, Computer & Communications Security Abstracts, DoIS, eGranary Digital Library, INSPEC, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, LISA, MLA International Bibliography, PAIS, Scopus, and other services. First Monday's ISSN is 1396-0466.
- Forum for Linguistic Studies (FLS) br>an international, peer-reviewed journal. FLS aims at publishing the latest research results in general and applied linguistics as well as philosophy of language. The journal caters to a comprehensive audience, ranging from language researchers, linguists, teachers, educationalists, practitioners and those with a general interest in language and linguistics.
- International Journal of Communication
The International Journal of Communication is an online, multi-media, academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages established and emerging scholars from anywhere in the world. Funding for the journal has been made possible through the generous commitment of the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. Public access to articles in the International Journal of Communication is free of charge, at no charge to authors, and is available to all readers under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 license. The International Journal of Communication is an interdisciplinary journal that, while centered in communication, is open and welcoming to contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that meet at the crossroads that is communication study.
- Just. Journal of Language Rights & Minorities
a scientific journal that publishes original articles on the protection, enforcement, and promotion of the rights of linguistic minorities, and on issues arising from the intersections between language, the social dynamics of domination and oppression, and the law. The journal publishes scholarly works taking descriptive, critical, empirical, and theoretical approaches from intra- and interdisciplinary perspectives. ISSN: 2952-2307
- LatIA
A premier platform for advancing and disseminating research and developments in artificial intelligence within Latin America and globally. The journal aims to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of AI's theoretical foundations, practical applications, and transformative potential across diverse sectors. LatIA is committed to promoting AI research that is ethically grounded and socially responsible, encouraging innovations that address unique regional challenges and contribute to global knowledge.
- Linguæ & - Rivista di lingue e culture moderne
- Revista Ibérica (AELFE European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes/Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos)
- Studies About Languages
- The Journal for EuroLinguistiX (JELiX)JELiX accepts and presents scholarly linguistic articles with a pan-cultural relevance to European culture (especially on language history, language systems, language politics and language policies, the sociology of languages, international communication).
Based on lists already compiled and available: RETI list of open access journals at the University of Barcelona, EST draft Translation Studies journals list, Franco Aixelá, Javier; Rovira-Esteva, Sara (2015): Publishing and impact criteria, and their bearing on Translation Studies: In search of comparability. In: Perspectives. Studies in Translatology. 23(2). 265-283, as well as Mona Baker's list of journals.
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